Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 1

Today I have realized I have time again. Time for what you ask? I don't know, to read, write, think, pray. Really, it's weird. You see, with six kids; 1 girl, 5 boys, 3 of which are 3 yrs old, I stay busy. That's why with this newly found "time" I am starting something I've wanted to do for a long time; journal. And the way we journal now-a-days is to blog. 

I've titled my blog The Daddy Blog because, while I write music, paint artwork, "pastor" a community, and work in the hospital, I am first of all a husband and father. And let me tell you, I LOVE IT! To me there is no greater purpose or calling then being a father. Even on the worst, stress-filled day of life, I cannot deny that I am truly living. As a father the word of God comes Alive on a whole other level. The love of our Heavenly Father becomes so real when we realize the truth of his words; that he loves us so much more then we can even love our own children. 

So I'm just going to jump right in. I don't have too much time right now bc I have to pick my son Rodee up from school in thirty minutes and I'm actually writing from the tub. I know you didn't need to know that. I might tend to do that, write about things I probably shouldn't. I am just a little crazy. I mean who else would go from having one perfect daughter to adding 5 more boys in just a year and a half. And who would sign up for triplets! You see what I mean! I'm crazy!

Let me explain. Two years ago we signed up to foster to adopt through Child Help, an amazing organization. The whole story about how God moved upon our hearts to convince us of something so drastic and life changing will have to wait for another time...Or you could just click on the link below..... Oh No! I have to pick up my son from school!

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